Sound Video Feedback and Learner Response
Students WWW: Good use of parallel sound Sound bridges used well Good use of contrapuntal at the beginning using a sound bridge to change it to parallel Very good contrapuntal and parallel sound Good use of contrapuntal sound Good editing Good use of clips Good choice of parallel sound Used a sound bridge throughout the whole clip, and good use of contrapuntal sound when the shooting scene came on The parallel sound in the musical scene made it seem as if the sound track was diegetic Fast paced soundtrack matched the gunfire scene while being contrapuntal to the setting Parallel sound fitted with sequence/ as it was soft and not aggressive Contrapuntal sound challenged sequence 2 as it linked with the high paced music fitted in although its 2 different genres Romantic music went with the pace of music with the pace of the music Students EBI: Challenges contrapuntal sound in the shooting scene as the fast pace of the music fits with the scene, making it parallel ...