
No Civillians

Black Screen with text;

Narrator: "Every 3 days, someone is stabbed in London. Since the 2018, the murder rate in the capital has risen above New York."

Ext. establishing shot of estate

Narrator: The streets of London have become a warzone for the youth. The trenches are unforgiving and anyone can become a victim.

Ext. Rising close up shot of Jamal

Jamal: My name is Jamal, let me show you our reality.

Ext. Group of boys being chased by others

Masked boy 1: Why you running fam?
Masked boy 2: Stop doing up legs you nerd!
Jamal and Hakeem escape and hide behind a corner

Jamal: Fam I told you going through this way was bookey man you never listen.
Hakeem: I thought it was a shortcut man i'm tryna get back for Match of the Day
Both laugh
Hakeem: Nah but on a real how we gettin back yard though?
Both look at eachother.

Int. Jamal in his house packing his bags for football
Jamal: You have to distract yourself from whats going on by doing something creative. Me, I love playing football. It keeps me off the roads.
Jamal leaves house and starts doing kick ups

Ext. Jamal meets up with Hakeem 
Jamal: This is my right hand man Hakeem. We been boys from young. He's got my back I got his.
Hakeem: What you saying g. 
Jamal: Im good did you bring the shin pads for me?
Hakeem: I couldnt even find my ones man, not gonna lie coach is gonna have us doing laps still
Jamal: Yeah well you need to do them the way you was puffing last match man your slacking
Jamal laughs
Hakeem: Ok but i still scored twice so what you trying to tell me now?
Jamal: Alright say nothing.

Ext. Jamal and Hakeem walking through estate greeting others

Older: My young g's what you lot saying
Hakeem: Nothing just going football man
Older: You man still on this football ting, I hopped off that time ago. That stuff is all one fake dream.
Jamal: Yeah because you was dead man you was on bench all the time
Jamal and Hakeem laugh
Older: You man think your funny allie? 

Ext. Football pitch boys training
Coach: Hakeem, Jamal wheres your shin pads?
Hakeem: We have-
Coach: Off you go you boys know the drill!
Boys start jogging, then cuts to them playing on the pitch again
Jamal: On the pitch nothing else matters. Any problems you have outside just get dropped. you only focus on the ball. Its my home away from home.
Ext. Back on the estate with the Older

Jamal: But round here you always have the people trying to tempt you to that darker side.
Older: Anyways can you man do me a favour?
Jamal: Nah we hav-
Hakeem: Depends what it is
Jamal looks at Hakeem
Older: The feds been moving hot on me recently so can you drop this to my guy?
Older pulls out bag of drugs
Jamal: Are you mad if we get caught were done man
Older: You won't tho you man are in football kits. Alright hold this £100 as well if it makes you feel better then

Older walks away
Jamal: Hakeem is easy to tempt. Why? He loves money. He cant get a job so why not make even more money doing some favours huh?

Int. Hakeem's room counting lots of money.

Ext. Back on pitch
Jamal: Fam you need to watch yourself man you dont need to get involved with these man like that
Hakeem: Don't worry bro I can handle my ting 
Jamal: I'm telling you man it might catch up with you.
Hakeem: Fam stop worrying so much man. You trying to jinx it or something?
Jamal: Whatever man jus be careful man.

Ext. Montage of Hakeem walking up to cars, handing them a bag and getting money in exchange.

Hakeem: You not tryna hop on with me? Look at the paper im making man!
Jamal: Nah man i'm sticking with the football ting man, trust me it will pay WAY more than what your holding now
Hakeem: Alright say nothing

Jamal: When you start making bigger money on these roads, thats when you get a target on your back

Int. Car with masked characters
Maked 1: So what is that him?
Masked 2: Yeah he's been controlling the line since donnys been on tag
Masked 1: Come we jerk him man he's a yute fam.
Masked 3: Word how we letting some youngers stack more than us
Masked 1: Who's the other one?
Masked 2: Does it matter?
Masked 3: I say we do both of them
Masked 1: Say nothing.


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