Cinematography Blog Task
1) Write an analysis of the cinematography in the opening sequence. Highlight your use of media language and try to cover camera shots, angles and movement using the terminology we have learned in lessons.
2) How does the camerawork give the audience clues about the setting, narrative and character?
3) Find and analyse four film or TV stills. Embed the images in your blog and analyse the camera shot/angle and what they communicate to the audience.
Citizen Kane
1) The opening sequence of "Citizen Kane" shows a variety of different camera shots in order to introduce the film. It begins with a close up of a sign saying "no trespassing" which is quite an unconventional way to start a film. Then we see a tracking shot as the camera follows in as the gates open. We then see different angles of the yard though the establishing shots. Each scene is dissolved in to each other and it emphasises the size of the house in which the character may reside in. We then have a pan of the house so we can see the full scale. Then we have a low angle shot, turning into a tilt which makes the house look larger and more opposing.
2) The camera work gives the audience a feeling of intrusion as at the start as we see the sign saying "No Intruders". The tracking shot makes us feel as if the director is giving us an insight into what lies behind the gates.

Black Panther
1) In this still image from "Black Panther" we see the use of a long shot and an establishing shot on the poster. This allows the viewer to gain an insight into the environment the protagonist is in. The shot is also taken from behind which gives a the viewer a different perspective as if they are behind the protagonist. Using low angle shots make the character also seem more imposing, which is something expected from a superhero.
The camera work gives the audience the impression of the protagonist being a super hero as the low angle shot makes him seem higher up. The fact he is looking over the city in a masked costume makes this assumption.
Iron Man
1) In this still image, we see a big close up of the protagonists face as he seems anxious and concerned. This shot allows the viewers to see almost all the details in his face which can transfer emotions to the audience. This also emphasises importance to the moment in the scene as the audience need to be close up in to the character. The CGI also makes them feel as if they are in iron mans body suit as all they can see is the character and the graphics he looks at.
The audience feel as if they are involved with the hero's struggles as they can only see his expressions in such a close up view. They can then infer the kind of trouble and danger the protagonist is in.
1) In this still image we see the use of a high angle shot which makes the heros look less intimidating. This is usually used in a scene where the protagonists are confronted with a new villain which poses a threat. This makes the audience react in a way that has a hint of doubt in if the heros can overcome the new villain. Using a high angle shot makes the characters have to look up, making them look smaller.
1) In this still image, we see a close up of the protagonist, however it includes a woman in the background. Because the focus is on only one of the characters, the audience will dismiss the other as not as important and focus their attention on how the protagonist is feeling or what he is doing. This is also an action shot as he seems to be walking away, showing that whatever activity he was involved in has become less/ unimportant to him.
2) How does the camerawork give the audience clues about the setting, narrative and character?
3) Find and analyse four film or TV stills. Embed the images in your blog and analyse the camera shot/angle and what they communicate to the audience.
Citizen Kane
1) The opening sequence of "Citizen Kane" shows a variety of different camera shots in order to introduce the film. It begins with a close up of a sign saying "no trespassing" which is quite an unconventional way to start a film. Then we see a tracking shot as the camera follows in as the gates open. We then see different angles of the yard though the establishing shots. Each scene is dissolved in to each other and it emphasises the size of the house in which the character may reside in. We then have a pan of the house so we can see the full scale. Then we have a low angle shot, turning into a tilt which makes the house look larger and more opposing.
2) The camera work gives the audience a feeling of intrusion as at the start as we see the sign saying "No Intruders". The tracking shot makes us feel as if the director is giving us an insight into what lies behind the gates.
Black Panther
1) In this still image from "Black Panther" we see the use of a long shot and an establishing shot on the poster. This allows the viewer to gain an insight into the environment the protagonist is in. The shot is also taken from behind which gives a the viewer a different perspective as if they are behind the protagonist. Using low angle shots make the character also seem more imposing, which is something expected from a superhero.
The camera work gives the audience the impression of the protagonist being a super hero as the low angle shot makes him seem higher up. The fact he is looking over the city in a masked costume makes this assumption.
1) In this still image, we see a big close up of the protagonists face as he seems anxious and concerned. This shot allows the viewers to see almost all the details in his face which can transfer emotions to the audience. This also emphasises importance to the moment in the scene as the audience need to be close up in to the character. The CGI also makes them feel as if they are in iron mans body suit as all they can see is the character and the graphics he looks at.
The audience feel as if they are involved with the hero's struggles as they can only see his expressions in such a close up view. They can then infer the kind of trouble and danger the protagonist is in.

1) In this still image we see the use of a high angle shot which makes the heros look less intimidating. This is usually used in a scene where the protagonists are confronted with a new villain which poses a threat. This makes the audience react in a way that has a hint of doubt in if the heros can overcome the new villain. Using a high angle shot makes the characters have to look up, making them look smaller.
1) In this still image, we see a close up of the protagonist, however it includes a woman in the background. Because the focus is on only one of the characters, the audience will dismiss the other as not as important and focus their attention on how the protagonist is feeling or what he is doing. This is also an action shot as he seems to be walking away, showing that whatever activity he was involved in has become less/ unimportant to him.
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