Mise En Scene

Mise-en-scene is a critical aspect to our work on film language and textual analysis.

Remember the mnemonic that will help you recall the different aspects of mise-en-scene: CLAMPS.
  • Costume
  • Lighting
  • Actor (placement and movement)
  • Make-up
  • Props
  • Setting
  • 1) Find a distinctive still image and write an analysis of the mise-en-scene. Use each of the aspects you've learned in the lesson.
  • Image result for James Bond
  • Here we see Daniel Craig as 007's James Bond. In this image, they dress him in a suit in order to make him look like a person of importance. This represents a status which James Bond is known to have. This is also an expectation viewers have of the character. The use of the suit also sexualises the actor, making him appeal to women by making him look what is seen as handsome. He also has a stern expression on his face makes him look dominant, which is an attribute associated with the character. Using a dull grey background enforces the actor as the main focus as there is nothing else for a viewer to see, allowing him to be depicted as the protagonist. The use of black and white colour scheme connotes to olden film. Using this allows the new 007 keep the classic feel to the film. The dress sense and hair do is kept the same in order to feel less of a change throughout the movies timeline. The actor is deliberately placed off centre and towards the side which symbolises James Bond being stealthy and away from attention to do his job. He is also side on as if he is taking as cover as he has his gun out as if he is commencing in battle. However his hand in his pocket opposes this as it also shows he is cool, calm and collective which is another attribute depicted with James Bond. using the two opposing body languages show how he is calm under pressure and has a fearless character.The handgun and suit is a symbolic James Bond prop which is shown in almost all 007 movies throughout the years making him a British spy icon. 

2) Find three film or TV extracts on YouTube from different genres (e.g. horror, sci-fi, costume drama). Embed them in your blogpost and write a comparison of the mise-en-scene in each.

The three movies above are IT(Horror), Ipman(Action), and Friday(Comedy). The facial expressions on each poster gives a different genres. The first picture comes from the movie 'IT' showing the character with his face downwards with a menacing look implying a it is a horror movie. Using a clown which is also a common phobia emphasises it and it looks more like a psychopathic clown rather than one which you would find in the circus. The second picture is from the movie 'Friday' showing the characters with a comical shocked expression. Straight away you can tell it is a comedy as there isnt a serious element in the picture, especially as Chris Tucker is a known comedian which gives away the genre. The third picture is from 'Ip Man' showing Bruce Lee to be in a battle. The swords and the fighting stance imply that it is an action movie. This is also shown through his serious expression on his face. The background you can also see the dojos in the background. Bruce Lee is also known to be a martial artist which gives away the fact it may be an action film.


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