Cinematography Learner Response

Create a new blogpost called 'Cinematography video feedback and learner response'. 

1) Make sure your video is on YouTube and embedded on your blog. 

2) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.

4) Type up your feedback from fellow students.

4) Now reflect on your work and write your own comments. Add three WWWs and three EBIs underneath the rest of your feedback.

5) Learner response: think about what you learned making the video and also watching others. What will you do differently when you start the coursework later in the year? What tips or tricks have you learned from others that you can use next time? Are there any specific aspects of camerawork that you need to revise or practice?

2)  WWW: 
  • Good range of camera shots
  • Tilt was the best camera shot
  • Use of ambitious camera movement
  • Good use of handheld camera
  • Steady camera pan and movement

  • Exciting transitions
  • Sudden ending
  • Leave each cut for longer
  • Typography
  • Aspect ratio
  • Labelling
  • Location
3) WWW:

  • Good variety of camera shots good music to go with it
  • good range of shots
  • good transitions 
  • Shots were filmed well
  • Good tilt shot
  • Labelled correctly
  • Text was clear

  • Steadier camera
  • If all the shots were filmed similarly 
  • more effort into the shots
  • Sudden ending


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